Cochlear Implants
March 2022
Hearing Aids, Cochlear Implants, and LSL: What If It Doesn’t Work?
For the voice that keeps us up at night.
March 2022
Welcome to Holland(ish): How We Found Unique Beauty in Our Baby’s Hearing Loss
Pondering a classic essay about parenting.
March 2022
We Make Our Baby’s Hearing Aids As Colorful as Possible—Here’s Why
Choosing our baby's hearing devices
March 2022
These Bands Can Attach Make Believe Hearing Devices to Your Child’s Toy or Doll—Plus They’re Quick and Easy
An easy option to help toys with their retention.
March 2022
When Your Daughter’s Doll Needs to Wear Hearing Aids Too
A simple way we gave listening devices to a doll using beads.
March 2022
How You Can Plan Mini Auditory Field Trips—and Why We’re Daydreaming About Preschool Years To Come
Neighborhood auditory adventures!